10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

10 cloverfield laneIf you’ve seen Cloverfield, prepare to watch something slightly less seizure-inducing. This sort of, but not really, sequel takes place almost entirely in an underground bunker. Much of the psychological thrilling comes from the mystery of what could possibly be going on in the world above.

The cast is pretty minimal and they all shine in their own ways. John Goodman is always so amazing and I love how his rage just takes off at any given time. The character he plays is mostly the bad guy, but you sympathize with his attempts to do the right thing.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays the main character, who is thrust into one frightening situation after another. She’s the one who wants to know what’s out there and she’s not content to trust John Goodman’s explanation of the outside world’s demise.

The payoff is the finale where our main character learns the truth and must accept the bittersweet future.

While I think Cloverfield is a better overall package from start to finish, I do like that the camera is stable in this movie. The psychological drama mixed with mysterious tension keep the viewer hooked. I would definitely recommend this for a night in with some popcorn and Red Vines.