MattBrand Tech Support

We are happy to announce that MattBrand Tech Support is up and running. This is a free service that MattBrand feels will help to better everyone who uses it. So, if you are having trouble with things like online, bandwidth, turning it off and on again, or spam filters; click here and MattBrand will help. MattBrand Tech Support: "If it's important, you'll wait." Tech Support is…

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It’s March

Spring is in the air and that means the weather is warming. No, I'm not going to launch into a rant about climate change. Suck it. The best things about this month include Shamrock Shakes, March Madness, and Lucky Lime Eeegee. Yesterday, I went to get my first Shamrock. I asked at the drive-thru to make sure they even had it. The response: "You…

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Deadpool (2016)

I think I read one of the Deadpool comics when I was a kid and reading some X-Men comics. I always thought it was just a rogue X-Person who sparred with Wolverine from time to time. This new movie takes the character to 11 and makes one helluva fun ride for viewers. It was like an ice-cold lemonade on a hot summer day: REFRESHING.…

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Supreme Court

I hope that Congress prevents President Obama from appointing a new Supreme Court Justice. That way, when Im elected president, I can appoint him.

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Super Tuesday

The results are in and it looks like all of the participating states, provinces, sectors, and regions have voted that I, Stemshul, represent the Beard Party in 2016. Thank you for your continuing support. I will be taking the next couple of days to determine who my running mate will be. Image lovingly borrowed from here.

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