The Good Dinosaur
Dont watch it. For longer reviews go to Rotten Tomatoes.
Dont watch it. For longer reviews go to Rotten Tomatoes.
So, I guess public restrooms are a big deal right now. As best I can tell, people are being murdered or raped or something at Target because some woman wore pants in the womens restroom. The New York Times has a pretty good story about it. Some lady who was linked to on the Facebook has a pretty good blog about it. I guess my view is, if you…
Apparently, today is Equal Pay Day. What Ive gathered is that today marks "the date that symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year." While I have many thoughts about this, I wholeheartedly feel that everyone, regardless of gender, race... should be compensated equally for equal work. I do feel that the statistics, like all…
About 11 years ago, I recorded a little album (or EP) worth of music that I dubbed "All Play, No Work". I always liked the way it turned out, even though it was less than perfect in many respects. As an independent musician, I've been interested in getting my music on more platforms for greater exposure. After reading this article, I decided to try…