Glass Animals – How To Be A Human Being (2016)

Apparently, I only listen to U.K. bands anymore. These guys are relatively new. They released their debut album Zaba a couple of years ago. If I had to classify their sound, I would say it's "indie electronic rock" but that really doesn't capture the finer nuances of what they do. If I had to classify them in D&D terms, they would probably be chaotic neutral. This…

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Wild Beasts – Boy King (2016)

I've been a loyal follower of Wild Beasts since I heard Two Dancers. They are from the U.K. and they have a fairly unique style that encompasses many facets of the rock landscape. They also have two vocalists, one with an airy falsetto and one with a deeper baritone. This new album, Boy King, is heavy on the synth pop and it's delicious. The…

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Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)

Apparently people are bent out of shape because a few men arent standing during the national anthem at football games. How many of you were standing up in your living room while you were getting upset watching those men not stand up during the national anthem? - David DeVries Great point me. Lets look at why these men arent standing. Colin Kaepernick, the instigator…

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Not For The Squeamish

This will be the 7th annual event. I've already begun the selection process and I'm excited about the options available this year. I'm going to work very hard to do all 31 reviews. I must do it for the sake of completeness. As always, I'm open to suggestions if anyone would like me to review something special. Below you'll find my tentative list: Nightmares…

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