NFL Power Rankings – Week 17

Here we are, a week away from the end of the regular season and the NFC East, at best, will have a 7-9 team at the top of its standings. In all of the years that I have been tracking and ranking the NFL, I have never seen a division so hell bent on losing. The Cowboys and Football Team are tied for 21st…

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All Over Town, Little Kids Gonna Get Down

A special Christmas present from 64tacos, the Friday Night Playlist is here a day early! So if whether youre staying up late waiting for Santa or putting the finishing touches on the giftwrapping, you can rock out to these hand picked Christmas Jams. Not your grandmas Christmas playlist

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NFL Power Rankings – Week 16

Chiefs continue to pull away. The Bills are doing their best to keep up. Steelers and Rams really wet the bed this week. Theyll still make the playoffs but if they dont get it together itll be one and done. The Bengals and Jets pulled off some crazy upsets. Falcons and Jaguars continue to be really bad at football. [table id=118 /]

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Matthew Good Band – Beautiful Midnight

The year was 1999 and I was watching Much Music on DirecTV satellite dish. (Much Music was the Canadian equivalent to MTV.) There was a music video of 4 dudes being chased by insane school children. I was hooked, because "Load Me Up" is a great song. Shortly after seeing the music video, I went on the old Napster or Kazaa (whatever MP3 download…

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eXistenZ (1999)

Reality is real, yo! The story follows VR game designer Allegra Geller (Jennifer Jason Leigh) and security guard Ted Pikul (Jude Law) as they evade an extremist element that wants to attack and destroy the game designer and her game system. On the run, they must fix the game system and go into the game to find out more about what is going on.…

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The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

This movie came out a few months after The Matrix and while there are obvious parallels, it is a different kind of sci-fi movie. The basic premise goes like this: the inventor of a new VR simulation system is murdered and his friend/colleague must unravel the mystery of who killed him and why. The movie does a good job of mixing sci-fi, noir, and…

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NFL Power Ranking – Week 15

The Chiefs took back first place last week and theyre starting to pull away as the Steelers continue to fall apart. The Jets continue to fail at every turn. Could we see another winless record this year? [table id=117 /]

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It’s Hard Out There

On the Kazoo 2: The Rescue Settings screen, you have the option to change the difficulty settings on the left. You also see the explanation of the keyboard controls on the right. You can also use a game controller as the button mappings are standard for games of this kind. The difficulty settings break down like this: Am I Getting Paid For This? The…

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U2 – Zooropa

This album came out when I was 12 and I listened to it a lot. I even copied it to a cassette tape for my friend and my friend's dad got mad at me for violating copyright laws. Some things never change. What was amazing about this album is how it managed to sound so unlike U2, but retained the qualities that define U2…

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Electric Kazooing

I found this video on YouTube with a guy demoing a kazoo connected to a microphone and run through some effects pedals.

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