Ten Best Van Morrison Songs

Hey, let's talk about some music! I thought it might be fun to look at some bands and artists and decide definitively what their best songs are, with no room for any disagreement or dissent. Ok, really this is just my personal favorite songs, which is entirely subjective and you will probably disagree with some (or maybe all) of my choices. After all, when…


MLB Power Rankings – Week 8

Power rankings system devised and compiled weekly by Stemshul. “Expert” analysis by paradroid. Week 8 features more dominance from the N.L. West. The L.A. Dodgers rose 7 spots via a 6-0 week to join San Diego and San Francisco in the top four. Is this the best division in baseball? It certainly boasts the best 1-2-3 punch, but what about the other two teams?.…


Stagger Lee

I came across the Nick Cave song Stagger Lee a few years ago on Google Play Music (now YouTube Music.) I was probably listening to a PJ Harvey radio station which is heavy with late 90s alternative music you probably didnt hear on your local Clear Channel hits radio station. Well, we just recorded an episode of "Is This Song Good" all about it.…


Ch’King Sandwich

A new contender has entered the ring as the chicken sandwich wars rage on. This time, Burger King has their own hand-breaded chicken sandwich in regular or spicy varieties that they are calling the Ch'King Sandwich. The promo pictures of the spicy version make it look super red, but in reality, it's just a little darker than the regular. I always go with the…