NBA Power Rankings – Finals

Power rankings system devised and compiled weekly by Stemshul. “Expert” analysis by paradroid. Well, the Mavs finally lost! Hooray! I did manage to pick both of these series correctly this time, and now we're down to just two teams, the Warriors and the Celtics. Boston survived a very tough seven game battle with the Heat, while Golden State handled Dallas in five. This suggests…


NBA Power Rankings – Conference Finals

Power rankings system devised and compiled weekly by Stemshul. “Expert” analysis by paradroid. And then there were 4! (this is the tournament version of "the Oxford dictionary defines blank as..."). One big surprise at the end, which ruined my perfect round. Stemshul is probably enjoying how the Mavericks pulled a Giants-over-the-Patriots at-Super-Bowl-XLII on the Suns himself, for that matter. But let's keep the usual…