Pink Floyd – High Hopes (Live)
David Gilmour and the Floyds do a live rendition of High Hopes and we talk about it in this week's Is This Song Good? podcast.
David Gilmour and the Floyds do a live rendition of High Hopes and we talk about it in this week's Is This Song Good? podcast.
Bono and the boys do a live version of Mysterious Ways from the VHS tape Zoo TV Live from Sydney. Check out our expert commentary in this week's podcast episode.
Power rankings system devised and compiled weekly by Stemshul. “Expert” analysis by paradroid. Hey, how about that Super Bowl! Better late than never, it's the final rankings of the year! We'll start with the big game. This clash featured the top two teams in our rankings once the playoff dust settled. One we could have predicted (the Chiefs) and one was a bit of…
This week we have an R.E.M. live medley. Tune in or tune out.
This week we have Billy C. and the Smishing Pimpkins doing their country slide rendition of Tonight, Tonight Live in New York, 1996.
My favorite holiday is just around the corner. A day when we get together with our friends. The house is filled with children laughing (in the basement so that I dont have to hear it) and dogs playing. Everyone makes delicious food and we eat more than we should, and then a little bit more. On top of all that, theres a football game…
Power rankings system devised and compiled weekly by Stemshul. “Expert” analysis by paradroid. The season is almost at an end; just one game left! We had a close game and a not-so-close game. Let's talk about the one with little suspense first: San Francisco vs. Philadelphia. All year long the 49ers have struggled with quarterback injuries. Maybe struggled is the wrong word, let's go…
This week we have a Radiohead song they did live in the From the Basement series. This is Nude...