Dune – Part 6
We talk about the final section of the Frank Herbert Sci Fi classic Dune.
We talk about the final section of the Frank Herbert Sci Fi classic Dune.
On a very special Is This Song Good episode, we discuss the Oscar Best Song nominations. Which ones do we like? Which one will win?
Listen to the playlist of all five songs: Oscars Best Song Nominations 2024
Will Paul learn to control the makers? Does Paul need an intervention? Why didnt the Baron have an heir?
This week's episode is the last of the posthumously released series. This episode features INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence's song Slide Away from his self titled solo album released in 1999.
Listen to the song: Michael Hutchence - Slide Away
What will life with the fremen bring Paul and Jessica? How will the Barons plans play out?
We talk about the Scorsese movie depicting the brutal and calculated murders of members of the Osage nation. Does this movie deserve to win best picture? Does Lily Gladstone deserve to win for best actress?
After the fall of Duke Leto, will Paul and Lady Jessica be able to escape their Harkonnen enemies?
This week's episode discusses Soundgarden lead singer Chris Cornell's posthumously released cover song of Guns N' Roses' Patience.
Listen to the song: Chris Cornell - Patience
We dig further into the depths of the rivalry between the Harkonnen and Atreides houses.