Shameless Self-Promotion

About 11 years ago, I recorded a little album (or EP) worth of music that I dubbed “All Play, No Work”. I always liked the way it turned out, even though it was less than perfect in many respects.

As an independent musician, I’ve been interested in getting my music on more platforms for greater exposure. After reading this article, I decided to try putting my music on various monetized platforms. It was meant to be an experiment to see how current digital music distribution platforms work. I’m not really interested in making money with it, but I am interested in how to publish music to various download/streaming sites. Since there has been much hubbub from artists like Taylor Swift and Thom Yorke about the lack of streaming revenue getting back to the artist, I’m curious how much streaming generates after every group involved takes its cut. That and it feels really wonderful to say: “I have an album on Spotify.”

Without further ado, I give you “All Play, No Work“:




Google Play
