Whenever it Feels Right

Ive been using my fancy mouse and keyboard for 3 weeks now and thought I would give you an update on what I think of them.

First the Keyboard. I love the wireless. There are few things that bother me as much as clutter and not having a cord is a must. Im pretty sure I could connect it with bluetooth but I just use the USB dongle. Bluetooth always seems to screw you just when youre depending on it more. Yes, its personal. The Craft has a rechargeable battery in it and so far I have had to charge the keyboard once. Im guessing it didnt have a very good charge when it was shipped so thats not a surprise. Its super easy to charge. Just plug in a USB C cord and it charges in no time.

As I stated when I originally posted I love they keys on this keyboard. The feel of the keys is soft but firm all at the same time. I can easily type out a blog post at 64 wpm. And, the sound of the keys is perfect. I feel like they could have made it silent if they had wanted to. But, as I said last time, it has just enough noise to let you know that you are in fact working. Couple this with the beautifully back lighting and I am in typing heaven.

My only complaint is that the LOCK key is right above the “-” button on the keypad and I lock myself out from time to time. But, we will attribute that to user error. I still havent used the fancy dial in the corner for anything other than volume control. When I get the Adobe Suite I am hoping that it plays with those programs better than the browser based apps that I primarily use.

As for the mouse, I dont really care for it. And there is only one reason. I love the super fast dial. I love the back and forward button. I love the thumb dial. There is even a secret button just below the thumb that I have found useful. But, I hate the form factor. It sure looks cool. But I dont like the way it feels in my hand. Fortunately, my wife says she likes it so I will probably get a different one and she and the boy can use this one.


Hes just like you only better in every way.