Pearl Jam – Ten

This album has the unique distinction of having been in my collection as both a cassette and compact disc. When the grunge era hit in the early 1990s, a lot of teens were flocking to the smelly spirit of Nirvana, but I liked me the gruff vocals of Mr. Edward Louis Severson III, better known as Eddie Vedder. Little did I know that the…

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Joywave – Cleanse

Today marks the release of Cleanse by Joywave. You will like it. I will like it. Really hoping the title has something to do with cleaning out your colon.


Snow – Informer

This week's episode takes us back to the early 1990s when reggae rap got its first hit with Snow's incoherent babbling song Informer. The song was played many times on pop radio stations and we're going to try to figure out why.


Massive Attack – Mezzanine

This is one of those albums that comes out of nowhere and then proceeds to melt your soul from the inside. I don't even know exactly how I came about buying this CD in 1998, but after listening to it once, I was hooked. I was definitely exposed to Tricky, Portishead, and trip-hop before 1998, so it wasn't some sort of radical new sound…


Shaggy – It Wasn’t Me

Season 3 of the Is This Song Good? podcast series continues this week with another "Why was this song so popular?" hit from Shaggy. The song is It Wasn't Me featuring Rik Rok.


Tears for Fears – Songs from the Big Chair

It was the late 1980s and my sister had the cassette of this album by Tears for Fears. I listened to it from start to finish numerous times. While it is notable for the big radio hit singles Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World, it's impossible to find a bad track among the 8 songs. What I really liked about it was…


Billy Ray Cyrus – Achy Breaky Heart

Don't tell my heart, my achy breaky-- dammit this song is catchy! This episode of the Is This Song Good podcast brings on the honky tonky twang with a side (or back) of mullet. Turns out, this was the song our hillbilly neighbors were listening to in the early 90s. Yee-haw!


Chumbawamba – Tubthumping

This week's episode gets drunk on the British pub anthem Tubthumping by Chumbawamba that invaded the United States in the late 1990s. This popular song came out of nowhere, and we want to know why people liked it so much.


Britney Spears – …Baby One More Time

Season 3 of the Is This Song Good? podcast is full speed ahead. These hit songs need very little introduction, but we want to know what makes them popular and/or attractive to the average listener. This week we put the smack down on Britney Spears' ...Baby One More Time hit single.