It’s Almost October… Again

This is the 12th year of reviewing 31 horror movies for the month of October. One week from today, I will embark on a daily dose of murder and mayhem for YOU. Are you ready? Because I sure am. We got some slashers and creatures and psychological mind-benders. There better be blood and butts or I'm not doing this right. So strap in and…


INXS: Never Tear Us Apart

G'day, mate! This two part docu-drama mini-series follows the Australian rock band INXS from their early pub days to their massive sold out stadium concerts and all the craziness in between. At about 3 hours in total length, it was very expansive, but it never felt long or like it was doing unnecessary things. As it went on, the momentum kept building as the…


The National – Never Tear Us Apart

Time to make some wine from your tears. This episode of the Is This Song Good? podcast season of covers discusses The National's take on the iconic INXS song Never Tear Us Apart. The question on everyone's mind is: Will there be a saxophone solo? Tune in and find out.


Dinosaur Jr. – Just Like Heaven

You like covers? We got covers on the Is This Song Good? podcast. This week takes a college listen to Dinosaur Jr. doing The Cure's Just Like Heaven. Check out the podcast below to find out if the song is better than the original.


Johnny Cash – Rusty Cage

This week's episode of the Is This Song Good? podcast takes on Johnny Cash's cover of Rusty Cage, originally by Soundgarden. Will Cash's thick voice be able to deliver the same force as Chris Cornell's luscious rock vocals? Tune in to find out.


Patti Smith – Smells Like Teen Spirit

We're starting a new season of the Is This Song Good? podcast series. Each new episode will discuss a cover song and whether it lives up to the original. The first episode takes a deeper look at Patti Smith's rendition of Nirvana's iconic 1990s grunge anthem Smells Like Teen Spirit. Turn the lights out and tune in to find out if the cover song…