Brainscan (1994)

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The first time I saw this movie I thought it was fairly unique. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really hold up. Edward Furlong (Terminator 2’s John Conner) plays a reclusive high school kid who likes horror and video games. He decides to try a new game called Brainscan, dubbed the ultimate terror experience. As the game progresses, he starts to question what is real and what is the game, while also wondering if he’s turning into a serial killer.

It’s got a few good moments, and I remember relating to the angst of the teenage characters. The suspense putters out midway through. The plot is dictated by the gimmicky twist that is fairly obvious and probably not even meant to be a twist.

Frank Langella is the only real acting talent available. The rest are dogshit performances with Eddie Furlong’s range being sullen asswipe to Screamy McSpazzington.

Finally, I have to mention two scenes that irritated me. Both involved Eddie hiding in some sparse brush with someone standing a foot away and not noticing him at all. The first time: whatever, the guy was just walking in the woods with his dog. The second time was a cop with a flashlight searching for anyone or anything suspicious. I’d say the cop’s ineptitude matches the movie rather well.


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