Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)

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The series had grown stale and it was time to lay it to rest with one last outing. Here we go again with the “it’s over” treatment.

The last remaining teenager from Springwood is used by Freddy as bait to lure more children into his jurisdiction. Apparently, he can’t kill kids in their dreams outside of Springwood. Those pesky supernatural rules.

I had no idea that Breckin Myer played a pony tailed stoner kid. Overall, the acting is not so bad. There are far too many cameos, though, as if everyone wanted to be a part of the historical final Nightmare movie. We’ve got Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold, Alice Cooper, and even Johnny Depp.

It has a bit of back story interspersed and helps to flesh out the Freddy character a little further. By the end, the main characters (still alive) must pull Freddy out of the dream and into the real world to finish him off. The climactic last 10 minutes employ 3-D (the red and blue kind) FX to make stuff pop out from the screen. It’s about the lamest 3-D you’ll ever see. The Nightmare on Elm Street DVD box set included 2 pairs of the 3-D glasses and I remember feeling like such an assclown wearing them.

I liked this “final” entry better than the Friday the 13th one. It was certainly a more entertaining package to sit through, but it’s nothing to write home about. The deadly dream sequences were both inventive and ridiculously campy, which the Nightmare series manages to do so well. If nothing else, they were totally right about it being time to close up the Elm street shop.

