This recipe takes many forms and is a campfire cooks go to for easy and delicious. Traditionally its ground beef, potatos, carrots and onions. Jack and I made it last weekend with smoked sausage for the meat and peppers instead of carrots. Make it however you want. there is no right way to make it. Just make sure that your meat is cooked all the way through and that your veggies are cut to an appropriate size so that they become tender. Also, make sure your foil packet is properly sealed!

- Ground Beef
- Feel free to use any ground meat or smoked sausage.
- Potatoes, diced to about 1/2 inch cubes
- We typically use russets but white, yellow, or redskin work too.
- Carrots, sliced
- Onion, diced
- Feel free to substitute any veggies you want.
- Precut as much as you can before you head out to the woods to reduce clean up and gear needed.
- Build a fire and let it burn down to coals.
- Place all ingredients on a sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil. (You can double up the foil if you dont have heavy duty available.)
- Wrap foil around ingredients so that none of the food is exposed and everything is secure.
- Place on coals for about 30 minutes. The food should sizzle for about 5 minutes. Times will vary depending on outdoor and fire temperatures.