This is one of my favorite holidays, because it’s just the most absurd thing ever. Some chonker animal wakes up and predicts the weather for the next few months? Give me a break.

What I like more than the holiday, though, is the movie, Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray. It is such a classic that is both funny and heartwarming. At times, it is even a bit morbid.
Who wouldn’t want to repeat the same day over and over again? There is a lot of fun to be had, but eventually it gets boring and you need to find a way out. Well, you should have thought about that before you went to Punxsutawney, PA right before a blizzard.
As an alternative to Groundhog Day, there is a new time loop movie called Palm Springs on the Hulu that takes the idea of Groundhog Day and tries some new things. While it has nothing to do with the holiday itself, Palm Springs is a nice continuation of the ideas.
I like that Groundhog Day has never been officially remade, because I think it should always stand on its own and be left alone. Even better, they didn’t try to do a Day After Groundhog Day sequel where Phil (Bill Murray) gets stuck in another time loop the very next day. That would have been the worst. Or would it? <sinister laughing commences>