LastPass Can Suck It

A couple of days ago, I received an announcement from LastPass that they are changing their free tier password manager to only allow mobile devices OR computers, but not both… unless you pay… $36/year. But they are being generous and giving a discount, so the first year is only $27.

I’ve used LastPass for awhile, because it makes dealing with passwords much more convenient. They were great when they first started out. They charged $12/year for their service and I thought that was reasonable. Then they were bought by LogMeIn in 2015 and promptly changed their premium features around and also doubled their yearly subscription rate. At that time, I actually downgraded to their free plan, because none of the premium features were things I wanted to use.

So, now they want to play the douche card and I am so ready to ditch them and move on. I found this service called BitWarden that works about the same as LastPass and has the features I need on the free plan. But wait, it’s only $10/year you say? I think I might just pay them, since I like that the company is not a bunch of shit weasels. It took all of 10 minutes to set up an account with BitWarden and move my password vault over.