Massive Attack – Mezzanine

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This is one of those albums that comes out of nowhere and then proceeds to melt your soul from the inside. I don’t even know exactly how I came about buying this CD in 1998, but after listening to it once, I was hooked. I was definitely exposed to Tricky, Portishead, and trip-hop before 1998, so it wasn’t some sort of radical new sound I’d never heard before. Massive Attack just managed to really nail the genre square in the face.

Teardrop and Angel were radio singles, but the whole album is solid from start to finish. There is a lot of darkness throughout and an occasional sinister tone, which I love. Dissolved Girl was also featured in The Matrix when Neo is sleep drooling at his computer console.

I think what kept me listening to this album a lot was how it consistently felt out of place. As an awkward teenager without many friends, I connected to culture and media that showed me there were other outliers out there. Bands like Massive Attack, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, and Radiohead gave me hope that being a massive weirdo was ok.

There is even a reggae-esque cover song called Man Next Door that fits in perfectly with the slow burn chill vibe. Whether you are driving, partying, or just wearing your helmet in a corner, this album has everything you need.

Listen here: Mezzanine YouTube Playlist

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