Seatle Seahawks @ San Francisco 49ers – San Francisco 49ers
Thank you Seattle for winning on Sunday so that I could watch the Lions game with no hopes of making the playoffs. Its where I feel most comfortable. In Week 13 I picked you to sneak into the playoffs with the last wild card seed and here we are. But, your work is now done.
San Francisco, not only did you not suck the last 6 weeks and beat the Seahawks week 15 but you are probably the most dangerous team in the league right now. Ten straight wins, most of which were dominant, an 8-1 record at home, and 6-0 in the division. And all that with three different starting quarterbacks.

Los Angeles Chargers @ Jacksonville Jaguars – Jacksonville Jaguars
Im not really sure whats going on with the Chargers. In our power rankings they have, by far, the worst score compared to record in the league. They have been bouncing back and forth between B Tier and C Tier. Theyve only beaten one team with a winning record, the Dolphins, and that really doesnt count because the Dolphins have fallen apart in the last third of the season. And honestly, Im not convinced theyre one of the seven best teams in the AFC.
I didnt spend much time this season following the Jaguars. They would pop up every now and then in the power rankings. Other than the Lions game, I dont know if I did a pick on any of their games unless it was a week I did the whole league. But here they are, on top of the AFC South, with a winning record, and on fire! I dont think that they are ready for the playoffs yet. But, I love whats going on in Jacksonville. They kinda have a similar vibe as the Lions in that they showed up, seemingly out of nowhere, in the second half of the season and kinda ruined everything for several teams who thought they were going to just stumble into the postseason. (Looking at you Tennessee.) I dont think theyll get past the divisional round but it looks like we might actually have a good team in the AFC south next season! Jaguars vs Lions next Super Bowl?