NFL Wild Card Week Picks

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Well, I think I did pretty good with my Late Season Picks. I had all of the AFC teams correct and had all but the Packers in the NFC.

Raiders @ Texans: Texans
Man did the Texans get lucky. They stumble into the playoffs because no one else in the AFC south showed up. Then, the Raiders lose Carr. If theres a team that the Raiders can beat in the AFC its the Texans but I dont see it happening.

Lions @ Seahawks: Seahawks
As much as I love my home team Lions, I cant fathom a way for them to win in Seattle. Russel Wilson is going to be able to do whatever he wants on the Lions defense.

Dolphins @ Steelers: Dolphins
This one is going to be tough. Neither team is at full strength but it doesnt seem to matter right now.

Giants @ Packers: Packers
The Packers are the one team I dont want to face right now. January in Lambeau field is brutal. The Giants may be the only team that has the Cowboys figured out but I dont think theyll get to them.


Hes just like you only better in every way.