The year was 1999 and I was watching Much Music on DirecTV satellite dish. (Much Music was the Canadian equivalent to MTV.) There was a music video of 4 dudes being chased by insane school children. I was hooked, because “Load Me Up” is a great song.
Shortly after seeing the music video, I went on the old Napster or Kazaa (whatever MP3 download program I was using at the time) and downloaded every Matthew Good Band album I could find. Then shortly after that, I went on Canadian Amazon (yeah, eh?) and purchased all the albums. I was hooked on Matt Good.

“Beautiful Midnight” is such a perfect 90s rock album with epic anthems, ripping catchy themes, and the occasional quiet ballad. It always makes me sad that it wasn’t a bigger album when it was released in the U.S. in 2001, but the time had long since gone for that type of music. If it wasn’t a boy band or nu metal, the market was pretty dry.
There isn’t a single song on the album I don’t like. The lyrics are wildly appropriate for the angst and loneliness of the teen years.
And if there’s nothing left to die for
Going All the Way – Matthew Good Band
And all this our beauty is just decay
And if there’s nothing left to die for
Then you and me
Let’s go out going all the way
Stop reading and go listen to this album: https://songwhip.com/matthew-good-band/beautiful-midnight