Underworld – Second Toughest In The Infants

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The year was 1996 and I was awake in bed with my Sony Walkman, listening to the radio. The local alternative radio station was playing this album in its entirety on their late night show. I continued to listen to the entire thing until I fell asleep.

When I had the chance, I bought the CD. The first two tracks are each over 15 minutes in length and yet, it doesn’t really feel like they are that long, even though that makes up the first half of the album.

On the surface, it’s just techno, but behind the thumping beats, there is a lot more going on. At times it is soothing and other times it pulses and gets you fired up.

I think this is Underworld’s best album and will continue to be one of my go-to electronic albums when I need background work music.