Grunge is a very special music genre to me. For a short, 4 year period grunge dominated the rock music scene. As a result all of the garbage hair bands of the 80s died off. Sure, Guns and Roses and Metallica released what many would consider their best work and a couple of the greatest hard rock albums ever during this era but, for the most part, the 80s had come to an end. After grunge ran its course, lets be honest, it wasnt built to last, music split. Bands like Creed and Nickleback took up the Eddie Vedder mantel and made sure that no good grunge could ever be recorded again. Korn and Limp Bisket decided to do white guy rock rap and it was HORRIBLE. But then there were the bands that took the good stuff from the 80s, kept a little bit of the grunge stank, industrialized it and put out a new hard rock. Here are a few of my favorites from this era. Its a broad category but they fit together well.