A long time ago, I loved this sandwich from Quizno’s called the Tuscan Turkey. The abomination you see in the picture to the left is the last remnant of the sandwich, but it’s not the true original form. Allow me to explain.
It started with rosemary parmesan bread, then they would steam shredded hickory smoked turkey (not that deli cut crap you see in the picture) before adding it to the bread. They would layer on swiss cheese, some shredded lettuce, tomatoes, and red onions (which I left off) before giving a couple squirts of the roasted red pepper sauce. There may have been a little shake of oregano as well, but I can’t exactly remember.
They would load that bad boy onto a metal tray and put it through the little toaster oven. What you got on the other end was a warm and toasty flavor explosion.
Quizno’s discontinued the sandwich probably about 15-20 years ago and I never found another sandwich on their menu that was worth the money. I don’t think I’ve had a Quizno’s sandwich in well over a decade now. To be honest, I’m surprised the restaurant even still exists, though the nearest one appears to be about a 2-hour drive.
It wasn’t just them taking away my favorite sandwich that bothered me, it was the lower quality food they were trying to pass off as gourmet. I didn’t mind paying extra for the sandwich when it tasted amazing, but when it became like another Subway, that’s when the prices seemed unreasonable.
The rosemary parmesan bread was a big part of what made it great, and the shredded turkey would just crumble in your mouth. But the best part was the roasted red pepper sauce. That was what really brought the whole thing home.