Saw III (2006)

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Part 3 is where things go a little bit nutso. The movie picks up roughly where the last one left off, but quickly side-steps into new territory. Jigsaw/John Kramer is bed-ridden with the full effects of his cancer taking over. His lady accomplice kidnaps a surgeon to perform a cranial surgery to relieve pressure from his brain. Meanwhile, a grieving father is playing the Jigsaw game specifically designed to prey on the emotions surrounding the death of his son.

The difficulty with this movie is that it’s all over the place. The mystery of the previous two is gone. Everything is out in the open and the pacing is very uneven. There are some twists, but you’d have to care to really feel their impact.

The best word to describe this movie would be “torturous” because not only is it a chore to get through, it goes way too far to the extreme of movie killings. They dub these types of movies “torture porn” for a reason. The gore is off the charts, but totally done for the sake of topping what has already come before. There is almost no suspense. It’s just: “here’s something new and sick to witness.” I liked these movies better when it was like watching an escape room play out and the audience joined the characters trying to decipher the mystery of what was going on.
