Sucks to Suck

This is going to get long. If you feel youve already read too much, Ill tell you now how reading this would have made you feel:

“Man, I agreed with some of what he wrote but other parts really pissed me off. But, it sounds like if we just compromise and help meet others needs, everything might just work out.”

So, straws are a big deal right now, huh? Heres how it affects me personally:

  1. Local government requires that any drink kept in my work space be sealed. This means that I need to use a straw if I want to stay hydrated at work.
  2. I live on earth where we have a severe pollution problem. Straws are a part of that problem.
  3. (Indirect affect) I have friends who require straws to be able to successfully drink their drinks.

Well what do we do about this? From the sounds of it, there are several variables at play here and a multi-part solution might be the only way forward. Fortunately, as a social media user, I am qualified to make these decisions for everyone! Here we go…

  1. If you require a straw, like, its life or death, the way a diabetic requires insulin type life or death, my suggestion is that you bring your own straw with you when you go out. It wouldnt be fare for the diabetic to require the ice cream parlor to provide insulin.
  2. If you need straws, and a business wont give you one, dont eat there. If enough people do this, theyll put straws back on the menu.
  3. If you own a business that people expect to have straws, then you should have straws. You dont have to give them out with every drink if you dont want to, but if someone asks for one, just give it to them.
  4. If you are anti straw, dont use them when they are given to you. Thats what I do. Not only that, but I let the person know that I dont want one.
  5. Stop putting straws in every drink! If you bring a refill, the person can reuse their straw. Also, reuse the cup so that another cup doesnt have to be washed.
  6. Recycle the straws you use. No, this isnt a perfect solution but it sure would reduce the amount of straws ending up in the ocean.
  7. How about a biodegradable straw. Whos working on that right now?

There you have it, the straw debate has been solved. No, its not perfect. Yes, its going to take some work. But its not impossible for people to enjoy a Coke with their friends without destroying the only planet we have.


Hes just like you only better in every way.