Summer of ’84 (2018)

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In the summer of 1984, a teenage boy becomes obsessed with his theory that a neighbor is the local serial killer who kidnaps and murders boys. He convinces his friends to search for evidence to support his theory.

There was a lot to like in this movie. It was mysterious. The characters are likable and there is a good dynamic among the four friends. The 80s vibe and throwback nostalgia was appropriately rationed, so as to not be ridiculously in your face.

I was concerned about the slower first half, but it worked out well as a slow burn build-up to the second half. The tension keeps building until the final climax and you’re left with a dread and many possibilities for a sequel. I’m not saying there should be a sequel, just that it ends in a way that is both satisfying and wide open.

The whole time watching, I was getting vibes of The Goonies, Stand By Me, and The ‘Burbs. The music was also quite enjoyable with the synth tones that drive, haunt, and caress when necessary.


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