Pearl Jam – Ten

This album has the unique distinction of having been in my collection as both a cassette and compact disc. When the grunge era hit in the early 1990s, a lot of teens were flocking to the smelly spirit of Nirvana, but I liked me the gruff vocals of Mr. Edward Louis Severson III, better known as Eddie Vedder. Little did I know that the…

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Dinosaur Jr. – Just Like Heaven

You like covers? We got covers on the Is This Song Good? podcast. This week takes a college listen to Dinosaur Jr. doing The Cure's Just Like Heaven. Check out the podcast below to find out if the song is better than the original.


Johnny Cash – Rusty Cage

This week's episode of the Is This Song Good? podcast takes on Johnny Cash's cover of Rusty Cage, originally by Soundgarden. Will Cash's thick voice be able to deliver the same force as Chris Cornell's luscious rock vocals? Tune in to find out.


Dinosaur Jr. – Sweep It Into Space

About everyone who listened to the radio in the mid-1990s has heard Feel the Pain by Dinosaur Jr. but probably not much else. They went through some career ups and downs, but they are back now, rocking, and pretty old. You can't deny the guitar virtuosity of J. Mascis, and his tortured vocals are pretty good, too. Lou Barlow, also from Folk Implosion, plays…