NFL 2021 Picks Review – Part 2

I just did a review of my division winner picks throughout the season. Now its time to take a look at how my playoff picks went. Dont mess with Texas Wildcard week I successfully picked 5 of the 6 games. That said, 2 of the games were no brainers. Bucs over the Eagles and the Chiefs over the Steelers. The Bills win over the…


NFL Picks – Conference Round

Only 2 games left until the big game. Lets see whos left. Im not going to address what happened in the Divisional Round because paradroid pretty much nailed it. It was the best weekend of football I have ever seen. And the Bills/Chiefs game is probably the best game Ive ever watched. Bengals (8th) @ Chiefs (1st) - ChiefsLets see if I can go…


NFL Picks – Divisional Round

The Wild Card week had some great games and some of the games were real stinkers. I picked 5 of 6 of the games correctly last week. So, that pretty much means Im out of correct picks for the season. Regardless, we must proceed. Bengals (10th) @ Titans (5th) - TitansIm not surprised that the Bengals won in the wildcard round. The Raiders provided…


NFL Picks – Wild Card Week

You Know Nothing, Stemshul Well, I def doomed the Browns and Football team with my late season picks. Not to mention the Ravens, Chargers and Colts. Basically, I had no idea what was going on in the AFC. Raiders (9th) @ Bengals (13th) - RaidersBoth of these teams have been super streaky. The Bengals snuck into the playoffs by winning the North after a…