Godspeed! You Black Emperor – G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END!

For those who don't know, Godspeed! You Black Emperor is a Canadian post rock band that gained notoriety back in the late 1990s/early 2000s. In a lot of ways, it is less a band and more an orchestra as there are about 10 people in the group with a wide variety of instruments. I like to describe the music as 'art rock for the…


Death From Above 1979 – Is 4 Lovers

I wasn't ready for this. I knew Death From Above 1979 had a new album coming soon, but I didn't know it was today. Holy hell was this a welcome surprise. I've been listening to these guys since the early 2000s when their sound was a welcome change. The best way I can describe it is fast fuzzy dirt. They bring a special kind…