64tacos Approved – Toadies

After doing a deep dive into the entire Toadies catalogue the three of us came up with this playlist. Of the 77 tracks by Toadies, 61 were unanimously approved. Dan approved 68, Jaime approved 69, and I approved 70. If you like any of Toadies music youre sure to like this playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtEdQHS6eQAe50qRV8xn2f6WRaWLtd8E&si=4gHXL5sCoWriT0xI 64tacos Approved - Toadies


64tacos Approved – Aerosmith

Over the last two months we have done a deep dive into the band Aerosmith. We combed through all of their albums and discussed the good, the bad, and the ugly. At the end of it all we came up with a playlist that all three of us could agree on. This is the first "64tacos Approved" list and we will have more for…


Is This Song Good? Playlist – Vol 2

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtEdQHS6eQDelNLJkQMXGccT904lvrub&feature=share Here is the complete playlist from our second season of Is This Song Good? This season we discussed cover versions of 15 different songs. This playlist includes the cover version.


Clear Channel Memorandum

Shortly after the attack on September 11th, 2001 the media monstrosity Clear Channel sent out a memo to all of its radio stations. In the memo was a list of over 164 songs that had "questionable lyrics" and the stations were told not to play any of them. I think my favorite listing was "every song in Rage Against the Machines catalogue." This playlist…


Tropical F**k Storm Primer

Sometimes, you just have to let loose and Tropical Fuck Storm is a band that throws caution to the wind. Hailing from Australia, they explore the weirder side of music with artsy, punksy, experimental noodling. This week's Is This Song Good? podcast discussed their new song G.A.F.F. and below you will find a playlist to become more acquainted with this group's body of work.…


Land of Talk Primer

Land of Talk is a Canadian band that does not receive enough respect or recognition. Yesterday's Is This Song Good? podcast featured their song The Hate I Won't Commit. As a supplement, the playlist below is a curated group of Land of Talk songs that showcases the songwriting strengths of the band. Come explore the Canadian indie rock awesomeness that is Land of Talk.…


Stagger Lee

I came across the Nick Cave song Stagger Lee a few years ago on Google Play Music (now YouTube Music.) I was probably listening to a PJ Harvey radio station which is heavy with late 90s alternative music you probably didnt hear on your local Clear Channel hits radio station. Well, we just recorded an episode of "Is This Song Good" all about it.…



Johnny Cash is one of the greatest song writers of the last century. So, this week, we have a list of songs he didnt write. These are true covers. They arent just rerecordings with Cash singing and playing guitar. He makes them his own. This is just a sample of the many songs that the man in black recorded, in his own style. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtEdQHS6eQAEoieVqwvaE58wDJRcZ78Z&feature=share


Post Grunge Hard Rock

Grunge is a very special music genre to me. For a short, 4 year period grunge dominated the rock music scene. As a result all of the garbage hair bands of the 80s died off. Sure, Guns and Roses and Metallica released what many would consider their best work and a couple of the greatest hard rock albums ever during this era but, for…