Friday Night Playlist – Chris Cornell Played it Best

Chris Cornell is probably best known as the front man of the Seattle grunge band Soundgarden. I would argue he is the greatest vocalist to come out of the grunge scene and one of the best of all time. Take some time tonight to listen to some songs that werent written by Mr. Cornell or any of his band. Rather, they are songs that…

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The End is the Beginning

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Friday Night Playlist: Aerosmith Songs Youve Never Heard

Sure youve heard Dream On and Love In An Elevator and that dreadful cover of I Dont Want To Miss A Thing. Hell, there are probably more than a dozen songs from the Bad Boys From Boston you could name. Well, here are 2 dozen Aerosmith songs you probably havent heard.

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Friday Night Playlist: Plugged-In In New York

In the mid 90's, back when MTV was still a music station, the network recorded one of the greatest albums of all time, MTV Unplugged in New York by Nirvana. Its a chilling acoustic set where Kurt and the boys not only played several of their own hits but played their version of several other songs. This playlist is a compilation of the original…

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Horror Movie Soundtracks Playlist This time of year always gets me in the mood for scary movie music. I've compiled a playlist of some of the best horror soundtrack songs (and still adding to it).

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Put This In Your Ear Holes

Sometimes, you have to keep the music going, even when the ship is sinking. At least, that is what I tell myself these days. People have different coping mechanisms and one of mine is to enjoy music. I've personally curated a "Music for Pandemics" playlist. You can listen, if you desire here: YouTube MusicSpotifyGoogle Play Music We're all in this together.

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