Titus Andronicus – Ecce Homo

This week, on the Is This Song Good? podcast, we discuss Titus Andronicus' song Ecce Homo. Is it punk? Is it indie rock? Why is the singer yelling at me? Tune in and find out most of the answers to none of your questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h51C5YeLw0Q


The Mars Volta – De-Loused in the Comatorium

From the ashes of the punk/emo band At the Drive-In rose the phoenix of The Mars Volta, the prog rock brainchild of Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez. In 2003, they released this, their first album and hoo boy was no one ready for it. The energy and extreme rocking still crushes to this day. It's got bass work from Flea of the Red Hot…