Yule Love It!

Now that it's December, the Christmas season is upon us. Gifts and movies and eating and decorating and putting kid presents together and white elephants and Christmas lights and freezing nuts off and cookies and egg nog and gingerbread houses and hot chocolate. Having worked in retail for a few years, I hated Christmas music that seemed to start earlier and earlier each year…

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Frustrated, Incorporated

The original title of this post was going to be: Thanks A Lot, Shitheads I'm trying to stay positive and hope for the best, though. I'm trying to remember that I have kids and I need to set a good example for them. Going off the rails right now would not be good for anyone. I'M. FUCKING. PISSED. OFF! There is no silver lining. No…

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Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)

Apparently people are bent out of shape because a few men arent standing during the national anthem at football games. How many of you were standing up in your living room while you were getting upset watching those men not stand up during the national anthem? - David DeVries Great point me. Lets look at why these men arent standing. Colin Kaepernick, the instigator…

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The Exclusivity Needs To Go

Music streaming has become a huge money-making service for the companies that had enough sense to set up shop early on. Though there was resistance from the music labels (there always is), the general public has spoken and streaming is here to stay. The problem is that there are too many services and there really isn't any actual competition. They all charge virtually the…

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The War on Birthdays

Those of you who know me know that I am not a big fan of birthdays. I feel that the celebration of the day is pointless and it is no different than any other day. The day that you were born doesn't matter. What matters is what you've done in the days since. Im not going to talk directly about this right now. What…

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Equal Pee

So, I guess public restrooms are a big deal right now. As best I can tell, people are being murdered or raped or something at Target because some woman wore pants in the womens restroom. The New York Times has a pretty good story about it. Some lady who was linked to on the Facebook has a pretty good blog about it. I guess my view is, if you…

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Equal Pay Day

Apparently, today is Equal Pay Day. What Ive gathered is that today marks "the date that symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year." While I have many thoughts about this, I wholeheartedly feel that everyone, regardless of gender, race... should be compensated equally for equal work. I do feel that the statistics, like all…

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