64tacos Approved – The White Stripes

After doing a deep dive into the entire catalogue of The White Stripes the three of us came up with this playlist. Of the 85 tracks by The White Stripes, 58 were unanimously approved. Zac approved 71, Dan approved 66, and I approved 60. If you like any of The White Stripes music youre sure to like this playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtEdQHS6eQAclkuaXNXemAxzRb3m1eXC&si=7QPW61M4tMhjXki9


Is This Song Good? Playlist – Vol 2

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRtEdQHS6eQDelNLJkQMXGccT904lvrub&feature=share Here is the complete playlist from our second season of Is This Song Good? This season we discussed cover versions of 15 different songs. This playlist includes the cover version.


C Mixed Tape

This playlist doesnt really have a specific theme. Its just a collection of 11 songs that I like and think flow together well. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ID_xbWhWjEHkGURaCXkEhYj251eBEKG