Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pizza?

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I happened upon a picture of one of these pizzas online today. I expected this was something from the early 90s that Pizza Hut had used to promote the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze movie in 1991. No. Upon further digging, I found that this is out right now for a limited time in AUSTRALIA. The green ooze is what they call “Mutagen Ranch” and it looks pretty gross.

While I don’t think I’d ever want to actually try this product, I’m a little saddened that it’s not available in America. I am starting to feel like we aren’t a top tier country anymore. What is the world coming to when Americans can’t order terrible pizzas doused with green spooge all in the name of 1990s nostalgia?

Pizza Hut Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza

Pizza Hut: Bring these pizzas to the U.S.A.!