The Audio of Being

64tacos Trillian Emoticon Soundboard

“You have no chance to survive. Make your time. Ha ha ha.”

Way back when the Internets was first invented, we had a multitude of text chat services. There was AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), MSN Messenger, Google Talk, ICQ, and Yahoo Messenger. Each one of them had their own little software client to install and run on your computer.

We got tired of having all these different programs and certain friends/family using certain services, which meant you needed to be logged into all of them at the same time or risk missing messages.

Then we found Trillian and this one program unified everything together in a single piece of software. Revolutionary? Not really, but at the time we were amazed and we loved it.

Then we found emoticons and their sounds. Trillian had some built-in emoticons and when you used them, many had sounds associated with them. After digging around a bit in the program files, we found the emoticon BMP files, the sound files. and the text file that told the Trillian program what text would trigger an emoticon and its sound.

To the left is an example of some of the Bitmap emoticons we made.

I also found all of the audio WAV files back and have converted them into a soundboard.

Check out the official 64tacos Trillian Emoticon Pack v4 soundboard here:

There is also a link posted in the sidebar on the main page for easiest access.

Disclaimer: While we have removed the most offensive clips, some of the sounds may not be for everyone. If you are offended by occasional PG-13 inside jokes, you should not use this soundboard. Please proceed with caution and enjoy this relic of a time when things were simpler.