I went and got my first Covid 19 vaccine 3 weeks ago. (Team Pfizer!) I had signed up through our local mega health system. After a couple months of bi-weekly reminders that I was on the list I got an email that I could make an appointment. I called the number and got scheduled. They even set up my second does in the same call and I just went in for that yesterday.

When the day finally came, three weeks ago, I drove down town and followed clearly marked signs to the parking garage. I was given a little card with a number to text. I sent my text and they replied that I should wait in my car until I received a second text stating that they were ready for me. A few short minutes later I received that text and made my way inside. Along the way, I was greeted by dozens of mask covered smiling faces who guided me though the building to the vaccination area. I checked in at one of the many kiosks they had set up. Then when it was my turn, I was guided into the little makeshift booth where I received my shot.

This whole process, from entering the parking garage to sitting in the post shot waiting area took, at most, 15 minutes. After your shot, they want you to sit in the waiting area for 30 minutes. As I sat there, putting in my time, making sure that I didnt have a reaction to the vaccination, a wave of relief came over me. It was as if a great burden had been lifted from my shoulders. But not my shoulders, lifted off of my soul. I know that we are far from done with this pandemic. But after a year of extreme anxiety, panic attacks, empty grocery store shelves, battles against false information, and at times complete and utter despair, I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I sat there and just cried.
I dont know if we are ever going to go back to normal. I have a feeling that we will never go back to what we called normal in 2019. Honestly, I hope we dont. So much of that normal was broken. And this pandemic shone a bright light on so very many problems. My hope is that we can move forward.