‘Tis The Season To Buy Stuff

If you haven’t noticed, Christmas is almost here. Time to get drunk on the nog and watch lots of Christmas movies or whatever you do to celebrate the holiday.

I’m sure you are like me and wait until the last minute to buy Christmas gifts, because you never know what to buy for people and you hate the idea of buying for the sake of buying, but you don’t want people to look at you funny for not buying them a gift.

What says “I’m not an asshole” better than some 64tacos merch for your loved ones. Below is the link to a few new items in the 64tacos Store.

These items are sure to bring you holiday cheer or at least keep your ass warm. But wait! There’s more! Most of the sizes are sold out and it’s doubtful any of the items would be delivered before Christmas. Get used to disappointment, kiddo. Better luck next year.

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