Wrong Turn (2003)

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wrong_turnI like to think of this as a distant cousin to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You got your group of friends on a vacay road trip, you got inbred hillbilly cannibals, you got detours that lead to certain death. What this movie has that Texas Chainsaw doesn’t is The Dushku. That’s right, Eliza Dushku, better known as Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Once the group gets stranded out in the middle of nowhere, the bodies begin to pile up as the hillbillies stalk their prey in search of their next meal. The surviving group members must do anything and everything to escape.

What it does well is keep the peddle to the metal and the suspense at 11. The hillbillies aren’t fully revealed until about 30 minutes in and it’s pretty wonderful how it all plays out.

For all the intensity, there are just too many horror clichés and not enough attempts at going beyond what has come before. The characters are all dumb as dogshit and really shouldn’t survive as long as they do.

Still, it’s a wicked good time and will scare the living crap out of you.

