Zombeavers (2014)

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  • Post category:Movies

The new era of horror comedy is under way. With the success of movies like Piranha 3D and Sharknado,the floodgates opened to allow for a wide range of crazy ideas, many involving some sort of animal.

The movie starts with a canister of bio hazard waste falling off of a truck, which makes its way downstream to a beaver dam and breaks open. The story shifts to three sorority sisters on their way to a secluded cabin to get some rest and relaxation away from their boyfriends and college stress. So far, none of this is exactly new territory. The boyfriends show up and the fun starts as the zombeavers attack.

The writers understood what they were making and they did it well. It’s less about building suspense and more about playing with the established trends in the genre. At one point, one of the girls tries to call the police and the line is dead. Cut to the phone box and it’s clear the zombeavers chewed through the phone line.

As things progress further out of control, there are some interesting developments that keep the momentum going. By the time it’s over, I’m left hoping they will make a sequel.
