Zombieland (2009)

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zombielandThis is what they mean when they say “new classic.” It’s equal parts hilarious and horrific as four zombie apocalypse survivors must come to terms with their total shitfest reality.

What makes it work so well is the high octane pace and the spunk-filled wit. The characters have their quirks with Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) obsessed with his rules for survival and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) on a perpetual search for Twinkies.

This ain’t Night of the Living Dead or The Walking Dead. Comedy is king and the jokes don’t stop. The spirit of Shaun of the Deador Army of Darkness is alive and well in Zombieland.

As close as the movie is to being perfect, the love story between Eisenberg and Emma Stone is not really necessary. Just because the characters are forced together due to unfortunate circumstances does not mean they need to get together.

Did I mention that Jesse Eisenberg is a dipshit? I have nothing against him personally, but damn is that a punchable face. It’s OK, because it works here. The character of Columbus is annoying as Tallahassee points out regularly.

The gore level is off the charts. Bloody zombie deaths at every turn. You will not be disappointed. It’s like a zombie wedding.


