28 Days Later (2003)

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28-days-laterThis is a game changer right here. Danny Boyle knows how to rock the party.

Animal rights activists unleash a terrible virus into the world after releasing some chimps from a testing facility. The virus turns the entire world into a rage zombie-infested wasteland. Damn hippies!

Our hero Jim, played by Cillian Murphy, starts his journey in a deserted hospital with his wang out for the whole world to see. Having just woken from a coma, he spends the first bit walking around trying to figure out what is going on and where civilization has hidden itself.

As he finds other survivors and rage zombies, both the hope and terror ramp up in equal proportions. In fact, the new suspense is often linked to emotional attachment to a survivor who must be let go after becoming infected.

The acting is wonderful, the pacing superb, and the music is comprised of an amazing score and perfect song choices. Had the music been anything else, I’m fairy certain the movie would have lost two tacos from its rating.

My only real beef is with the cinematography. It’s grotesquely digital. It looks like it was filmed with your mom’s shitty 2002 digital camera in video mode. The grittiness and washed-out colors/lighting add this very unique, very surreal feel to the movie. It’s hard to say it’s actually a bad thing, because it makes me want to vom as much as the bloody carnage.

It’s very much an immersive, unparalleled zombie apocalypse experience. Every sigh of relief is followed by a gasp of new horror from both rage zombies and despicable survivors. Just strap in and see if you can make it to the end.

