Final Destination 5 (2011)

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Here we go again. Apparently, this one was going to be called 5nal Destination, which makes no fricking sense. What the hell is a Five-nal? Just call it Anal Destination and let’s get this party started!

Sam (played by punchable face Nicholas D’Agosto) and his work colleagues are on a bus to a company retreat when he has a premonition that the suspension bridge they are traveling on is going to collapse and kill everyone. He and a group of people manage to get off the bridge in time, but guess what? THEY ARE ALL GOING TO DIE ANYWAY. Luckily, Tony Todd (Candyman) reprised his role from the first couple movies to give the occasional vague foreshadowing we didn’t need.

This one is at least a little bit better than part 4 since an attempt was made at dynamic characters and a coherent plot. The biggest component was that the characters convinced themselves that they could cheat death again by getting another person to die instead of them when it was their turn for a freak accident. So, it kind of turned into a exploration of latent homicidal tendencies in some of the characters and I’m quite OK with that.

It was kind of cool how the movie brought the franchise full circle with having the main characters board the plane that was featured in the first movie. Ultimately, the problem is that the concept needs to be retired or reimagined in some new way. You can’t just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect viewers to give a crap. Of course, maybe that doesn’t matter given that the movie made almost $160 million dollars on a $40 million budget. Where the heck is part 6?


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