Stepfather 2: Make Room For Daddy (1989)

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Terry O’Quinn (Lost’s John Locke) is back as Jerry Blake the serial killer, having somehow survived the massive knife wound to the chest in the first movie. This movie starts with him in a maximum security asylum, which he breaks out of after murdering his psychiatrist and a guard.

With a manhunt under way, Jerry travels from Washington state to Los Angeles where he starts up old shenanigans and assumes a new identity, Gene Clifford. He finds a suburban house to lease and immediately targets and begins to woo the realtor who lives nearby, Carol (Meg Foster).

Things get complicated when Carol’s ex-husband returns and the mail carrier begins to suspect something is amiss with Gene’s identity.

Much like the first one, Terry O’Quinn’s performance is the best part of the whole thing. The story and characters are pretty bland. There isn’t much horror or suspense, because the things that create tension just aren’t there. It ends right after the climax, which feels abrupt, but honestly, I’m glad it didn’t linger any longer.


Available to stream on Amazon Prime