Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009)

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Following the events of the first movie, the flesh-eating infection that took out most of the cast at the cabin is back to take out some of the new cast. Rider Strong’s character starts things off with a bang and the tainted nearby water supply is picked up for bottling at a local plant.

The new characters are a couple of high school kids who have to deal with the infectious disease during their prom. Then you got Deputy Winston from the first movie and his cousin for some comic relief. No one is safe as the CDC converges on the area to stop the spread of the disease.

There is a lot of blood and gore, but none of it is tied together in any meaningful way. I don’t really care about the characters and the story is basically just some scenes strung together. There are some funny parts and it’s nice that it doesn’t take itself too seriously, but it also doesn’t give any good reasons to enjoy what I’m watching.
