Detroit Lions Season Predictions Weeks 1-6

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When the schedule came out this year I suggested that the Lions could go 12-5 this season. Like last year I am going to divide the season into three parts and do my predictions for the Lions season. I was nearly flawless last year so why not take the same approach. Heres how the first third of 2023 is going to turn out. Lets drink some Kool Aid!

Lions @ Chiefs
The Chiefs have won their last 8 games, including three nail biters in the postseason, culminating in a Super Bowl win. You need to go back 10 games to get 8 wins for the Lions (ending the season 8-2 aint bad) but they did win what is effectively the Lions fans Super Bowl, a week 18 game in Green Bay. Could the Lions win this game? Perhaps, though it seems unlikely. The Chiefs are arguably the best team of the 20s. And yeah, I have a lot of faith in Dan Campbell and dont doubt for a second we are going to see some crazy stuff coming right out of the gate from the Lions but Andy Reed and Patrick Mahomes will figure it out. My only hope is that Detroit doesnt get embarrassed. They havent played on a stage this big probably ever. Lions start 0-1

Seahawks @ Lions
These two met week 5 last year and based on the score I can only assume that each team was only allowed to have 10 defenders on the field. The two teams combined for over 1,000 yards and nearly 100 points. Seattle snuck into the playoffs with a lot of help from Detroit. And then they got demolished by the 49ers. I dont know if Seattle is good. Im not convinced, yet. The Lions are going to have a long week to rest up and the game is in Detroit so based purely on that Im going to give this one to the Lions. 1-1

Falcons @ Lions
The fact that the 5-10 Falcons were still in the playoff hunt going into week 17 last year is embarrassing for the NFL. But the ridiculous NFL postseason is a topic for a different article. Sure they won their last two to fall a game short of the post season but they were in the worst division in the NFC. I just dont see them being able put anything together. Lions go 2-1

Lions @ Packers
That scumbag Aaron is gone and Im not sure what to think of Jordan Love. I do think the Lions know what to do with the Packers and this one is another win. 3-1

Panthers @ Lions
Last year I picked the Panthers to beat the Lions. And even when I revisited my picks midseason and the Panthers were the worst team in the league I stuck with it. Im not exactly sure why but I think this is going to be the Lions early season upset. With the exception of the Chiefs we have a light schedule to start and I think this one is going to go sideways. 3-2

Lions @ Buccaneers
Not wanting to leave a single record untouched Tom Brady and the Bucs got destroyed in the wildcard round last year. This allowed Brady to claim the title for most post season losses by a player at 13. Sucks to suck, Tom! I dont know if theyre going to do any better this season but who knows, Baker Mayfield may bring a new energy to the team. Odds are, by week 6 the Bucs will be in some kind of QB controversy and in complete disarray. Lions take this one to go 4-2.

Now, I know I didnt actually talk much about the Lions this time around. I think Goff has things dialed in with the offense. Hopefully the reshuffle in the running game will pay off. There is a lot of new talent on defense but they are very young so itll be interesting to see how they handle superstars like Mahomes. Next time Ill be taking a look at the Lions mid season.


Hes just like you only better in every way.

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