Girls Nite Out (1982)

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The title makes you think it’s a fun girly comedy type movie. Far from it, dude.

This movie falls into the category of “Early 80s Slasher Wannabe” where it attempts to recreate the success of Halloween or Friday the 13th, but without actual entertainment value.

The plot centers around someone dressed up as the college basketball bear mascot killing people during some all-night scavenger hunt. People start thinking the kills are being performed by local legend Dickie Cavanaugh, a psychiatric patient who committed suicide recently. The twist/reveal was pretty lame.

About the only actor worth mentioning was Hal Holbrook, and he was barely in it.

There are better slasher 80s horror movies out there than Girls Nite Out. It’s certainly not the worst out there, but it also doesn’t really attempt anything new, nor offer anything to differentiate from the others. In a year’s time, I’m not going to remember I watched this movie or what it was about.


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