NFL Power Rankings – Wild Card

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Going into the “Super” Wild Card week there are 14 teams left vying for a place in the Super Bowl. The Ravens and 49ers are the best teams in their conference. Both by our rankings and the league seeding. They will get a well earned bye this week. The Browns, with nothing to play for, rested their starters and fell a couple of spots to 5th. The Bills and the Eagles each moved three spots, in opposite directions, to land at 6th and 9th. But, looking at how each of those clubs are currently playing the Bills should be at the top of A tier and the Eagles might be down in C tier. The Rams and Stielhers snuck up to A tier The Packers got a positive score and moved up to B tier just in time to make the playoffs.

For anyone interested, this list is the entire league at the end of the regular season. The Bengals, Jaguars, and Seahawks out ranked a few of the teams going to the playoffs but not by much. They are all in the same tier so there isnt any major controversy.


Hes just like you only better in every way.

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